Haziq Tanveer – Digital Gravity https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog Web Design Blog Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:39:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.3 Modern Android Development (MAD) – MAD Score https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/modern-android-development-mad-score/ https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/modern-android-development-mad-score/#respond Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:20:29 +0000 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/?p=2852 Technology has significantly evolved in the past few years, and its impacts have stretched as far off as into influencing the development of apps. Android is a common regulator for most apps, and a common question that most developers ask is what platform or software does the android team recommend in terms of app building? […]

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Technology has significantly evolved in the past few years, and its impacts have stretched as far off as into influencing the development of apps. Android is a common regulator for most apps, and a common question that most developers ask is what platform or software does the android team recommend in terms of app building? Well, Modern Android Development is the answer.

The information provided by Android on how to develop good apps has changed over the years as new capabilities, API’s and most importantly, new platform performance rolls out.  Android turns 13 years old this year, and the needs of developers have changed quite a bit in this timeframe. This is where Modern Android Development (MAD) comes in, offering easy, fast and dogmatic development experiences, so you do not have to worry about slow interferences.

What is Modern Android Development (MAD)?

Modern Android Development (MAD) is the latest platform for building apps. It supports a wide range of programming languages, from Kotlin to Jetpack and from Android Studio to the Android App Bundle. According to research conducted by Android, about 90% of their pro developers are using Android Studio today.

 From the number of Jetpack libraries, you involve the degree of your apps coded in Kotlin. The MAD scorecard shows just how modern of an android developer you can be. On your scorecard, you will get a special mad character based upon your MAD-est skill. Once you are ready, you can also share that scorecard on social media platforms, such as Twitter.

How to Get your MAD Score?

To access your MAD score, all you have to do is download the plugin from Android Studio plugin marketplace which offers easy installation—once you have that installed, run the plugin in the studio’s menu to give you your personal scorecard and results that you can check to see how well you stack up against Modern Android App Development technology. Lastly, after you have run the plugin, Android Studio will notify you by sending a shareable link that contains all your scorecard’s details that you can share with others to see and enjoy.

What are Development Essentials?

In addition to Android Studio, the official integrated development environment for android app development, we have listed some essentials that are a diverse collection of modern technologies contributing to a better app developer experience.  From production distribution to coding, this list has it all!

If you want to learn more about “mobile app development” read here:

A Definitive Guide to Mobile Application Development in 2024

The great modern language: Kotlin

60% of 1000 top apps are equipped with Kotlin. It is a modern language that increases quality, improves programming and eliminates boilerplate that adds to an enjoyable user experience.

The APIS: Jetpack

Jetpack is a powerful API created to address all development problems and is used by 84% of the Play store apps. It is an API tool kit that is compatible with all devices, including earlier Android versions. Jetpack also contains a suite of over 70 android libraries. Benchmark is consistently updated to be more helpful for users with the following features

  •  Benchmarking- This release candidate and library allows precise measurement of your app confidence and performance. 
  •  View binding- Conveniently access features from your code; it requires minimal build-time impact being a type-safe solution.
  •  CameraX- To ease the development experience for you CameraX (which will be available in December in the form of Beta) is a feature that helps you focus and keep track of your app rather than going over the devices in the Android ecosystem and assessing the differences between them.

The distribution: App Bundle

It is a modern method for releasing and packaging apps while also optimizing your downloads for your user’s devices. Less than two years from the launch, more than 270k Bundles are being produced. To ease the process of testing dynamic delivery and app bundles, Android has added internal app sharing that allows developers to conveniently share the app bundle’s test builds.

How is Modern Android Development useful for businesses?

In today’s world, many companies’ goal is to expand their business into the digital world. There are many companies worldwide that are making hefty investments in the development of creative websites, personal software and mobile apps for developers.

Most of these corporations’ main focus is on developing a good smartphone application as it holds the most importance in substantialization of business development.

Fortunately, Modern Android Development entails an effective application. The android team recommends several tools that can be incorporated into the development process for more productive results that can be compatible with all devices. With MAD, the following pros are guaranteed:

  • Fast service: Speed through the tools, app fundamentals and libraries that diminish boilerplate. MAD is built to work together, allowing you to use tools when and as per your need.
  • Squash fragmentation: Reduce or eliminate complex library formats that constantly run across several devices.
  • Easy to use: MAD is created by the best of the experts, yet has one of the best designs in web-app development. Perfect for every developer or team, regardless of how big or small.
  • Meticulous design: Accumulates learning from over 12 years of leading-edge modern android app development.

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Impact of COVID19 on Web development community in 2021 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/impact-of-covid19-on-web-development-community-in-2021/ https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/impact-of-covid19-on-web-development-community-in-2021/#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:47:58 +0000 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/?p=2831 The global pandemic has caused the world to shift to a new normal we are now familiarizing with. Businesses and industries worldwide have undergone drastic impacts and a massive revolution due to the coronavirus outbreak. The vulnerability had become inevitable for almost everyone. However, one thing that has been consistent throughout the pandemic is how […]

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The global pandemic has caused the world to shift to a new normal we are now familiarizing with. Businesses and industries worldwide have undergone drastic impacts and a massive revolution due to the coronavirus outbreak. The vulnerability had become inevitable for almost everyone. However, one thing that has been consistent throughout the pandemic is how digitalization has taken a toll on businesses of all sorts. The tech industry, in general, managed to pull through some impressive stats despite being in the darkest of times, paving the way for numerous opportunities. 

The web development and design community are among the many industries that had to bear the strain of the pandemic while also having the chance to rise above it. The technology-bound community contributed to a new say in web development and created a set of challenges for developers. Let’s look at the pandemic’s impact on the web development community and how businesses could cope with it. 

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Web Development Community

Businesses within the tech industry had to struggle considering the disruptions in the supply chain, which led to severe consequences. The change in habits led to increased use of the internet, with over 4.66 billion active users by October 2020.  This shift caused industries to rely on the relatively small web development community to ensure efficient development and web design for each agency to help even out business operations.

 Developers had to undergo immense pressure and strain to cope with the rise in demand and specialization while catering to new niches and concepts. Not to mention, nothing was to fall short of pure excellence as businesses were unwilling to take any further risks, wishing to make the most out of the ‘work from home culture.’

Work from Home Culture and Rise in Demand for Freelancers

It would be safe to say despite the challenges. It was not all doom for developers. Many were able to stay afloat. Market Data Forecast predicts the tech industry to have a boom, reaching $295 billion by 2025. This is particularly due to the rise in demand for freelancers and remote work, which gained significant attention during the lockdown. 

To keep up with state laws and stay-at-home measures, businesses were forced to shift to a work from home setting, where remote conferencing and working as part of the new normal. While many companies had to cut down on their labor force, many preferred hiring freelancers who were already well-versed with remote working and responding to client demand even before the pandemic. Millions turned to freelance with a satisfaction rate of 67% during COVID-19 (Forbes), giving freelancers a chance to gain experience and exercise their skills in new domains, all while working under pressure. 

Freelancers had to up their diversification game and reach bars that were set higher than ever by companies to fulfill consumer demand. Developers were required to create user-friendly web designs, offering a pleasant experience to the already pandemic-frustrated community. 

Who Among the Web Development Community Have Emerged Victorious?

While developers everywhere were competing on developing seamless web mechanisms, some followed certain strategies that led them to be among the victorious. Here’s how:

Traffic scalability

Apart from a pleasant user experience, considering most customers were confined to their homes, overloading and traffic seemed to be an issue for many. Web developers were able to ensure websites were running smoothly, allowing buyers to efficiently carry out and complete their transactions smoothly. 

User experience (UX)

Businesses had to be mindful of the incoming traffic (on their sites) consisting of some familiar users and some who were not unfamiliar (with the web design). Developers had to review websites beforehand to ensure the website is user friendly and easy to use for everyone.

Cleaning codes

With so many projects in the pipeline that were either postponed or canceled, developers had to sort through these projects, which were pushed aside. This required fixing bugs and cleaning codes in mobile platforms to ensure a smooth user experience. This became essential, especially for the now smartphone and device-bound community. 

Picking up skills in-demand

Companies were forced to adapt to innovative measures to help them flourish and rise above other competitors. To help with this initiative and protect businesses from vulnerability, web developers implemented these techniques and were creating employment opportunities for themselves while ensuring prosperity for the business. In particular, freelancers excelled in web development, coding, marketing, web design, and more, making the most out of their down-time. 

COVID-19 has undoubtedly affected many sectors, and the web development industry was one of the victims. However, with the correct strategies, tech professionals could pull through and make a difference for themselves by introducing innovation and adopting newer techniques. Businesses facing a downturn in their traffic due to poor web performance continue to turn to web developers to create effective user designs for visitors. 

The web development industry is vast in its domain. With so many aspects to choose from, developers have plenty of opportunities for diversification and pivoting their careers to industries where their skills could be polished and put to the best use. 

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Best Desktop and Mobile Operating Systems in 2021 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/best-desktop-and-mobile-operating-systems-in-2021/ https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/best-desktop-and-mobile-operating-systems-in-2021/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 08:23:27 +0000 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/?p=2766 The rapid development of technology is the greatest miracle of our time. After the introduction of computer devices, human life is becoming easier, faster, and more interesting. Computers have gone through an impressive evolutionary journey that has transformed bulky desktop machines into more compact and convenient laptops and smartphones. Source : DELOITE Operating systems play […]

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The rapid development of technology is the greatest miracle of our time. After the introduction of computer devices, human life is becoming easier, faster, and more interesting. Computers have gone through an impressive evolutionary journey that has transformed bulky desktop machines into more compact and convenient laptops and smartphones.

10 year research of technology trends- OS Guide 2021

Source : DELOITE

Operating systems play an important role in making it easier for the end-user to take advantage of desktop computers and mobile phones.

Popular Desktop Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows:

Starting with Windows 95 and ending at Windows 10, it is Microsoft’s operating system that is considered the most popular and most familiar to ordinary users belonging to different parts of the world. The latest versions of the operating system are characterized by increased security and attention to user privacy. According to the statistics from July 2020, Microsoft Windows is the most popular OS with a share of 77.74% in the market

In comparison of Microsoft windows, Apple macOS,  Ubuntu market share here are some stats in 2021:

Ubuntu - Windows - macOS Market share in 2021


Latest Developments: According to Windows Central, Microsoft has announced to bring considerable changes in the UI of Windows 10 by 2021. The “Sun Valley” project of Microsoft points to a redesign of the interface, with an emphasis on the Start Menu, File Explorer and Tablet Mode. The project has been scheduled to release with Windows 10’s “Cobalt” release. 

Apple MacOS:

An exclusive Apple operating system that has its own development path. It cannot be fully installed on any device other than Apple’s Mac. It is tailored for the specific hardware devices that Apple manufactures. This is one of the most attractive operating systems visually. Since the company develops software and hardware at the same time, it can achieve the maximum level of optimization.

But you should have some requirements before installing the latest version. 

Apple macOS Requirement- OS guide 2021 blog image

Latest Developments: By June 22, 2020, Apple announced Mac’s transition to Apple silicon to enhance the performance of the machine and GPUs. This integration of chipsets will help developers in developing more powerful apps and games.


Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system that comes with all the necessary tools. It has been developed to be used by a variety of communities, including enterprises, schools, and home users. The operating system is backed by Canonical, a global software developer who has made a name for itself in distributing Ubuntu.

Ubuntu works on so many apps , you can install ubuntu on these app and this is not limited here you can go for more platforms as well.

Ubuntu OS is featured with multiple Software's- 2020-1 OS Guide Blog Image

Latest Developments: On October 22, 2020, Ubuntu released its STR (Short-Term-Release) version named Groovy Gorilla. This version will receive its official support until July 2021. The new version is aimed at allowing access to new app releases, bug fixes, and security patches.

The Most Popular Smartphone Operating Systems

  • Android OS:

Android is the most utilized mobile operating system in the world. This OS is responsible for motorizing thousands of smartphones, smart TVs, tablets, and wearable devices around the world. One of the most popular features of Android is that it is an open-source operating system and is freely distributed, which allows many developers to use it as the base and add variations to the code.

Latest updates of android does have these features in Android App (Mobile) devices.


Source: Android

In this sense, we can find countless tablets and smartphones with Android as the OS of well-known manufacturers such as LG, Sony, Motorola, and Huawei. Moreover, many unknown Chinese developers are also taking the support of this platform to manufacture their devices.

Android-OS-devices for Nokia, Google, Samsung, LG, MI, Motorola

Source: Android Phone & Tablets

If you are android users , you will never switch from this platform to any other because they are actually ruling the most of the devices.

GOD DAMN IT they have got everything !


  • iPhone OS:

According to most of the computer security experts, iOS is a very secure mobile operating system with high resistance to attacks, mainly due to its roots based in Unix and its multiple layers of security. These features give it the strength to resist multiple forms of cyber-attacks. The program has been written in C, C++, Objective-C, Swift, and assembly Versions of iOS 7 and later are dependent on the ARMv8-A platform.

Great news for iOS users, IPSW provide the platform where you can update your device through desktop Operating System.


Also you can find your Apple Device by just entering the model number on IPSW – find my device.


Source: IPSW



Latest Developments: It is estimated that by September 2021, Apple will release iPhone 13 in four different versions, namely iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Check this Blog for New Apple Launch Event till March [www.macrumors.com/guide/apple-event/]

OMG! I am so EXCITED!!!

  • Harmony OS:

This mobile operating system was developed by the renowned Chinese manufacturer of cell phones and other devices, named Huawei. Given the need to have its own operating system so as not to have to give in to the demands of the US government in a very complicated political-economic context, Huawei released the OS on August 9, 2019. It has been written in C, C++, and Java. 

It was initially designed with the aim of creating its own ecosystem of apps and technology-oriented to industrial applications and the Internet of Things. The main aim of the company is to offer products to its customers all across the world without the intervention of third parties.

Harmony offers the features like Harmony Features in 2020-1 Image

Up till now in 2020 Huawei Updated, Users had some Question which they answered:

Huawei Update in 2020 FAQs – Part 1

Huawei Update in 2020-1 - OS guide for developer blog image

Huawei Update in 2020 FAQs – Part 2

Huawei Update in 2020-1 - OS guide for developer blog image-2

Huawei Update in 2020 FAQs – Part 3

Huawei Update in 2020-1 - OS guide for developer blog image-3

Source: Huawei for Developers

Latest Developments: According to Huawei Central, by the second quarter of 2021, Huawei will release Harmony OS 2.0 for devices having specifications of 128MB – 4GB RAM. It has already released the beta version of this OS in September 2020 for smart TVs, wearables, and head units.




You can check this video if you want to know more about the the top IT service management Gartner strategies of technology trends of 2021.


In conclusion, since the introduction of ENIAC, the first computer that was constructed in 1943, technology has advanced rapidly. Due to an increase in competition, many operating systems have been introduced in the market to make the job of a developer easier.

If you are more interested in history of evolution you should check this History of Computer by ST Evolution.

Apart from the operating systems listed above, Linux, Chrome OS, and ReactOS are quite popular among desktop systems. Among mobile phones, KaiOS and Windows OS have occupied a great market share.

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Top Code Repositories in 2021 – Just Like GitHub https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/top-code-repositories-in-2021-just-like-github/ https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/top-code-repositories-in-2021-just-like-github/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 07:57:13 +0000 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/?p=2763 There are several modern code repository software for coding and hosting that developers can choose from. GitHub is a software repository that offers version control and software development using Git. Apart from GitHub, several other alternative repository systems contain their strengths and weaknesses. Some of the hosting tools offer support for underlying version control networks. […]

The post Top Code Repositories in 2021 – Just Like GitHub appeared first on Digital Gravity.

There are several modern code repository software for coding and hosting that developers can choose from. GitHub is a software repository that offers version control and software development using Git. Apart from GitHub, several other alternative repository systems contain their strengths and weaknesses. Some of the hosting tools offer support for underlying version control networks. This article will go over some basic requirements and information about repository management tools like GitHub to help you find your team’s best system. Commonly agencies working for web development services analyze the candidate skills through these code repositories before hiring any freelancers or even they want the work to be done remotely.   

What are Code Repositories?

In simple words, a code repository is a storage place for codes. It contains commit objects’ sets, records of changes to the repository code, and references to commit objects.

It is a file archive of the hosting facility for source code of web pages, documents, and software that can be accessed privately or publicly. Open-source software projects tend to use code repositories for version control or use it to tag different versions while keeping track of changes within the same projects.

Most code repositories offer mailing lists, project documentation, a bug trafficking system, and release management. A software that is posted to a hosting facility usually retains copyright by the software author.

Considerations and Top Code Repositories Available for Hosting

Code repository hosting can be similar in terms of what they have to offer. Therefore, it can leave you in quite a dilemma when determining your project’s ideal repository option and its customized needs. Before we get on to identifying the top code repositories, here are some considerations to make when finding the right repository hosting service for you.

  • Ensure the repository hosting service is compatible with the version control system within the same project
  • Be mindful of the working dynamic of your team and its structure. Decide the level of access for team members using the repository hosting service
  • Consider using a repository software that specializes and helps in working with larger or smaller files.
  •  Third-party integrations and external tools are a prominent feature of repository hosting services. Such external integrations, such as task management, allows power user workflows of a repository service.

Now let’s get on to finding the best code repositories available for your project:

1.      GitHub

GitHub is inclined to providing a more developer-focused environment rather than a project focused one. It is one of the most renowned code repositories and data hosts globally, with over 40 million users and 190  million repositories.

Excessive use may be throttled. However, the repository offers a commendable bandwidth and storage policy. In addition to that, GitHub offers code review, wiki, team access, and self-hosting for enterprises.

2.      GitLab

A close alternative to GitHub is GitLab offering a similar user experience and feel. This repository is an open-source software that allows you to manage it on your own by downloading it and installing it directly to your server.

GitLab offers a GitHub importer that allows you to migrate your projects from GitHub to GitLab. GitLab offers hosting services (but does not bound you to use them). It can be a bit expensive when deploying GitLab as our service, so you can consider opting for a cloud service instead.

Source: edureka!

3.      Bitbucket

Big enterprises often refer to BitBucket mainly as it is a hosting service that stems from Atlassian. It is a version control repository affiliated with other Atlassian project management tools like Confluence and Jira.

However, if you do not have a big enterprise, that does not mean you have to turn BitBucket away. It has a solution for all. The hosted account prices depict that it’s free for small-scale projects comprising max five team members. You may still use the repository for free for your open source project (exceeding five members) by complying with the Atlassian guidelines.

Business Benefits of Repositories and Overall Impact 

  •  Ensure the safety of your codes and documents archived
  •  Keeps track of the changes in statistics of the code
  •  Offers version control to ensure all amendments are tracked and you are notified of who made the changes to your code.
  • Ability to revert to previous code versions
  • Promotes teamwork within a business, where developers collectively work on the same code lines and projects

Common Functionalities Offered by Repositories for Improvisation of Services?

Version control:

Offered by code repositories, is crucial for every project. Even a sole developer may make a minor mistake and send your perfectly laid out code into disarray. With version control, web developers can go back and correct their mistakes.

Community Builders:

Code repositories offer a wonderful concept of building communities together. As a developer, even if you do not want to give out all your secrets, staying committed to a joint project or using an effective JavaScript framework by submitting a bug may be appreciated by everyone involved. The framework you chose can be made more effective, and your fellow team members are grateful for fixing the error.

It is essential for everyone on the project to have access to the code repositories. From designing website and development to deployment , everyone must be on the same page while using an open-source software management system. 

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Python, Ruby, JavaScript & Go – A Web Developer’s Guide to Pick the Best Programming Language in 2021 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/guide-to-pick-the-best-programming-language-in-2021/ https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/guide-to-pick-the-best-programming-language-in-2021/#respond Wed, 25 Nov 2020 12:03:24 +0000 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/?p=2513 Much like every other industry and digital domain, programming languages have also evolved significantly with new ones superseding the older while updated versions bringing exciting new features to the developer’s favourite pick.  That said, each language has its own benefits and specialties but developers are often overwhelmed with the number of choices when it comes […]

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Much like every other industry and digital domain, programming languages have also evolved significantly with new ones superseding the older while updated versions bringing exciting new features to the developer’s favourite pick. 

That said, each language has its own benefits and specialties but developers are often overwhelmed with the number of choices when it comes to delivering a winning next project of website development in Dubai for instance, especially if they’re new in the industry. The details below would act as a guide to choose the best programming language.

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A Brief Overview of Python, Go & Ruby

Python is object-oriented whereas Golang or Go is derived from C language. For most of the database and web-based applications that usually includes data science and analytics, Python is used whereas system programming and applications are developed from Go.

Source: [edureka!]

That said, for DevOps Solutions and Services frameworks, Ruby is high in-demand whereas for development of backend systems and APIs, Golang is the first pick for developers as of now. Ruby; as a programming language, was introduced or developed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. As for Golang; brilliant minds from the Google team namely; Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and Robert Griesemer were the key development trio.

Ruby is highly preferred for the convenience of creating personal/custom web pages, commercial blogs and projects whereas Golang is capable to simplify both complex and simple multi-threaded tasks.

Compatibility & Performance

Compatibility and performance of Golang enhances when it’s integrated with other core elements of the software stack and used greatly in a bundle of various development stacks like Python and PHP. On the contrary, there’s limited compatibility of Ruby with most of the preferred databases.

Because Golang is relieved from interpretation, it performs faster as compared to many different programming languages especially Ruby. Still, coding Golang takes longer since it’s lengthier when compared with many other C-based languages like Python. All that said, Ruby is considered a briskier programming language when it comes to generating useful codes.

For more information you can visit:

All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With!

Language Testing Comparison

Testing a programming language is crucial to check overall performance from a typical user’s perspective. That said, Ruby is an excellent testing framework because of Agile methodology but when it comes to Golang, testing extent is limited. 

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For those who didn’t know, creation of Dropbox, Uber, eBay and Google happened using Golang whereas for well-known web applications such as Basecamp, Shopify, GitHub, Airbnb and many others, Ruby as a programming language has been applied.

web development Back-end (Server-side) table in most popular websites

Source : [en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org wiki Programming languages used in most popular websites]

Pros & a Few Cons

When it comes down to landing a super awesome project of enterprise web application ,  choosing between Python, Ruby and Golang has their own benefits with only a few shortfalls.

Yet another pro fact of Golang is its automatic memory management that’s referred to automatic garbage collection and memory allocation. As for Ruby, time slots are created which allocate memory into many different units.

As a programming language for scripting, Python requires interpretation that can be a bit time taking as compared to Golang. The element of readability, easy to comprehend syntax and flexibility is greater with Python. As with Golang, it takes the lead when considering clear syntax and literally no unnecessary components. Built-in concurrency or corresponding mechanism comes with Golang but not provided with Python.


web development in dubai programming languages comparison guide

Source:[www(dot)cuelogic(dot)com blog a-battle-of-trios-python-vs-ruby-vs-golang]

Safety & Security

From security and safety point of view, Python is preferred being strongly coded and compiled which adds an extra layer of security. Golang on the other hand is lighter as each variable has a typeface associated with it due to which a typical developer is unable to share details with anyone thus resulting in bugs. In short, testing Golang from security and safety perspective can be an issue.

For creating the same functionality, Python is comparably convenient being less ‘verbose’ than Go. As for support libraries, Python’s extent is bigger than Golang however, things are getting better eventually. 

In terms of solving data science problems, user-friendliness and composition, Python is every developer’s first pick. For basic programming, Python is still a great choice but not when it comes to complex system. This is when Golang steps in providing the same results in shortest time and with less subtleties.


Comparison Table

Python Go Ruby
Paradigm Object-Oriented, Highly Practical, Procedural, Insightful, Efficient Technically sound, purposeful and synchronised Multiple paradigms are supported including functional, object-oriented and procedural programming
Execution Interpreted/Construed Compiled/Assembled Compiled/Assembled
Typed Dynamically typed programming language Statically/inertly typed programming language Like Python, a dynamically typed language
Usage Highly preferred for writing web-based applications More of a system development language however, taking a good share from Python when it comes to web applications. Good when it comes to solve both complex and simple multithreaded tasks A preferred programming language that’s good at developing small-scope commercial blogs, projects and personal/custom web pages
Memory Memory management isn’t provided Excessive memory management to let you play freely. Referred to as automatic garbage collection and memory allocation. Sorted memory allocation with time-to-time release of smaller slot sets
Syntax Use of indentation to specify coding blocks Opening and closing brackets are used. Takes more time to write the same code when compared with various C-based languages. There’s lightweight thread usage in Golang A simple, cleaner, easy to read and write syntax
Concurrency No built-in concurrency Inbuilt concurrency available
Object Orientation High functional concept support, world-class object-oriented programming Lighter support for functional concepts and object orientation. But coding and typeface is stronger. Though not typically an object-oriented language, it does provide support. Purely an object-oriented language.
Demand Highly in-demand for developing complex and securest, safest websites and applications Preferred for backend system and API development A choice pick for DevOps Solutions and Services frameworks
Speed Faster than most, slower than Golang Faster because it requires no interpretation Slower as compared to Golang
Compatibility Compatibility can become an issue but not entirely impossible Highly compatible when incorporated or integrated with other functional parts of the software stack Limited compatibility to some of the most popular databases

web developer guide statistics


Source : [Statistics of programming languages for web developers updated survey]

History & Evolution Over the Years


The first public release of Python as a programming language happened in 1991 as a successor to ABC. After nine years that is in 2000, version 2.0 came out with extraordinary new features like list comprehensions, reference countable garbage collection system however this particular function has been discontinued. Python interpreters and support is available for many different operating system with a global community of programmers and developers.

Source: [ blog.penjee.com ]


Ruby; as a programming language was introduced in the mid 1990s being high-level, interpreted and a general-purpose or basic language for developers to code amazing programs. This particular programming language was proposed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan. Multiple programming paradigms are supported by Ruby such as functional programming, procedural and object-oriented. Inspiration or influence of the language had its roots in Perl, Eiffel, BASIC, Smalltalk, Ada and Lisp.

Source: [codeburst.io ruby-macros-18bb67e051c7]

Go OR Golang:

It happened right at the headquarter of the biggest search engine giant namely; Google, when a trio of like-minded developers showed their dislike for C++ and thus motivated to develop yet a finest alternative. In 2007, the world was introduced to Golang or Go is open-source and improved programming productivity to a significant extent during the reign of larger codebases, networked machines and multicore development. Readability and usability just like JavaScript or Python, networking and multiprocessing performance excellence, improved efficiency and much more.

Choosing the Best Programming Language

Each programming language has its own benefits and a few drawbacks. To choose between the three depends on requirement of the web development project and developer’s own preference. 

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While summing it all up, it can be said that Golang is excellent for back-end system development irrespective of network server scalability , lets have the tour of the Go programming language.

Ruby is usually a good-to-go option when rapid results are more of a requirement than performance quality. 

Python is an all-rounder and preferred by some of the veteran web developers especially when it comes to safety and security of the website and applications.

Source: [ makeagif.com]

Now that you know about the three-programming language, it’s time to deliver a super great project and take the winning.

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The post Python, Ruby, JavaScript & Go – A Web Developer’s Guide to Pick the Best Programming Language in 2021 appeared first on Digital Gravity.

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All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With! https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/all-the-latest-web-development-trends/ https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/all-the-latest-web-development-trends/#respond Thu, 09 Jul 2020 06:55:35 +0000 https://www.digitalgravity.ae/blog/?p=2264 Web development industry is always in motion with new standards rolling out faster than can be implemented! The only way to stay a step ahead is by focusing on the latest trends, technologies and best practices. As a leading website design company in Dubai, we have saved your precious time by collecting all the hottest […]

The post All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With! appeared first on Digital Gravity.

Web development industry is always in motion with new standards rolling out faster than can be implemented! The only way to stay a step ahead is by focusing on the latest trends, technologies and best practices. As a leading website design company in Dubai, we have saved your precious time by collecting all the hottest trends to grow your website development business. Have a look below!

Voice Search

We have only begun to discover the rise of voice search which is likely to become the new normal on the digital domain pretty soon. Almost every smartphone these days is equipped with a digital voice assistant for both Android and Apple user-base. Adding to it is the imminent rise in AI-powered smart speakers that will take voice search trend further. 


When developing a web application, performance should be of the highest quality and uncompromised. Unfortunately, limitations to JavaScript result in slower calculations especially if they’re heavy which eventually impacts overall user experience in a pessimistic way. This is one reason for powerful applications and games to exist as a native-only desktop app.

WebAssembly has proved to be a game-changer as it allows web apps to perform just native-like since any programming language code can be assembled into bytecode to run conveniently in the search browser. Yet another pro-fact of WebAssembly is faster execution of the code as compared to JavaScript allowing you to write the critical-performance section of the app in the most suitable language that can be executed immediately in the browser.

Machine Learning for Tailored Content

The coming of AI and machine learning in day to day activities isn’t new. In fact, machine learning can self-learn and evolve in an amazing way which is without us humans even recognising with whom we’re communicating at the other end. For this reason, in particular, machine learning has resulted in improved native experience.

ML embedded software programmes are capable to learn, evolve and improve without any direct intervention of the developers or any human counterpart. It does so by analysing the incoming data packets, detecting the patterns, processing the information for decision making and eventually improving work.

Some of the finest examples of ML implementation that have improved customer service experience twin-fold are of Airbnb and Netflix. Speaking of Netflix, engineers at the company have enhanced the ability of ML by using more advanced algorithms to serve users in a more personalised and better way.

Website applications developed for different industries today are powered by machine learning and have already shown remarkable results. Some particular sectors include healthcare, finance, education, agriculture and more.

Data Security & Defence

It’s ironic that even in the era of advanced technology and in a digitally saturated world, the rate of cybercrimes is higher than usual. That said, cybercriminals are more appealed to the amount of data being processed which nowadays is hundred-times greater since almost everyone is an active internet user and producing information in one way or another.

Web service security should, therefore, be on top of the to-do lists when it comes to website design and development. As a top website development Dubai company, our talented data scientists and software engineers have shared four valuable tips to keep user data safe

  • Don’t Disregard Security Testing

To ensure maximum data protection and prevention from exploiting it to the unauthorised, security testing can be conducted during the website development stage. The process would deeply check each and every aspect of your website and/or mobile application for possible security flaws and fix them instantly.

  • Website-Monitoring Tools

A powerful, tried and tested algorithm if deployed carefully to a website, can constantly keep a check on any suspicious activity as well as alert before the uncanny happens. As a result, a website is protected from the possible breach and cybercriminal activities.

  • Be Vigilant with Third-Party Services

Website and mobile application development process have become easier and more convenient ever since SaaS software. Still, you should always be extra vigilant in choosing any third-party service by conforming on reliability and credibility. Look for reviews on the internet which is perhaps the best way to avail the best service.

  • Always Encrypt Precious Data

Consider the case when the unwanted happens and the offender somehow breaches the database, all their efforts are likely to flip only if the sensitive data has been encrypted.

Gradual Rise in Progressive Web Apps (PWA) & Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

When digitalisation & websites are a concern, the first thought to cross the mind is that of Google and there’s a good reason! As a search engine giant, Google has come a long way in improving overall web standards and the latest algorithm update favours website and applications that load in a jiffy on mobile devices. This is why technology such as Progressive Web Apps and/or Accelerated Mobile Pages should be a priority because of their ability to shorten website loading time.

Progressive Web App (PWA) refers to a web page that mimics the experience of native mobile. It’s capable of loading and running faster, even with poor or no internet connectivity which is a major pro fact. Most of the eCommerce websites and mobile applications are developed as PWAs for a high-end experience.

Then there’s the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) which works only for the static content; however, it’s the ability to load quicker than regular HTML gives it a competitive edge. That said, an AMP works faster because it disregards all the fancy elements and displays that probably take a long time to load. Only vital information as text and images is being displayed which is why the approach is perfect for news publishers and blog pages.

The Multiple Experience

The journey which started with smartphones, tablets, computers and laptops have experienced major changes in terms of technology, uses & the way they’re being deployed in the website development niche. With AI, IoT and many other emerging tech trends, multi-experience is yet another aspect that lets users engage with a website or an app anytime, anywhere as long as there’s a connected device.

The concept of multi-experience is mostly about screens as websites and apps that work perfectly on any screen size are high in demand. A much simpler term is ‘responsive website’ that adapts to any screen size but multi-experience is something that goes beyond the looks, giving users the advantage of the multisensory tech, multitouch points, multiple screens and multiple devices altogether. This multi-factor is further heightened by integrating AR/VR tech modules, voice assistants and more to the screen for immersive digital experience.

2020 is the year of unexpected change for everything digital. The above-highlighted trends are only a few of more to come as we move forward and progress further. Stay with us for more latest updates!

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The post All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With! appeared first on Digital Gravity.

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