<\/span><\/h2>\nMoney Transfer Fraud<\/i><\/b><\/p>\n
In this particular type of UI redress attack, hackers trick users into clicking a link to a malicious page which transfers money from the bank account. Provided below is a brief to how it actually works:<\/span><\/p>\nThe user is presented with a harmless website or a page link that can even be loaded from an email link offering something lucrative and irresistible such as a <\/span>free gift, a vacation deal <\/span><\/i>and so on. In real, these are actually funds transfer confirmation link(s) disguised under a web application layer hence it\u2019s also known as <\/span>\u201cUI redress\u201d<\/span><\/i>. While the money transfer takes place, users are further redirected to more free gifts or likewise page links or simply make them share more confidential information.<\/span><\/p>\nWebcam & Microphone Activation<\/i><\/b><\/p>\n
This particular type of clickjacking attack is triggered by invisibly loading <\/span>Adobe Flash Player<\/span><\/i> settings of a user\u2019s system on another link. On clicking, the plug-in settings give attackers illegal access to the microphone and webcam of a user.<\/span><\/p>\n
<\/span>Prevention & Mitigation Techniques<\/span><\/span><\/h3>\nThere are two layers of prevention from clickjacking attacks. These are subdivided into various types. Provided below are relevant details:<\/span><\/p>\n1- Client-Side<\/strong><\/h4>\n\n- NoScript<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
A <\/span>NoScript <\/span><\/i>add-on with <\/span>ClearClick <\/span><\/i>feature can be added to the desktop and mobile browser version of <\/span>Mozilla Firefox<\/span><\/i> which prevents users from clicking redressed page elements.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- NoClickjack<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
This particular browser extension offers client-side protection for users of <\/span>Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome <\/span><\/i>and <\/span>Opera<\/span><\/i> without interrupting the <\/span>iFrames <\/span><\/i>operations.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- GuardedID<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
It\u2019s a commercial product to add client-side protection for <\/span>Internet Explorer <\/span><\/i>users. It comes with an add-on feature of <\/span>NoClickjack <\/span><\/i>that multiplies the security to <\/span>Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera <\/span><\/i>and <\/span>Microsoft Edge <\/span><\/i>browsers.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- Gazelle<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
A research project helmed by <\/span>Microsoft<\/span><\/i>; <\/span>Gazelle <\/span><\/i>is to secure users of <\/span>Internet Explorer <\/span><\/i>from clickjacking.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- Intersection Observer V2<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
The concept of tracking <\/span>\u201cvisibility\u201d<\/span><\/i> just as a human would perceive allows all redressed or camouflaged links to appear in their default form thus preventing users from falling victim to the trick.<\/span><\/p>\n2- Server-Side<\/strong><\/h4>\n\n- Framekiller<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Website owners can protect users against frame-based clickjacking through introducing a <\/span>framekiller<\/span><\/i> which prevents unwanted <\/span>JavaScript <\/span><\/i>snippets from loading on the pages that, on happening can trigger clickjacking.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- X-Frame-Options<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Back in 2009, the coming of <\/span>Internet Explorer 8 <\/span><\/i>offered a new <\/span>HTTP <\/span><\/i>header <\/span>X-Frame-Options <\/span><\/i>that partially protected users against clickjacking and was eventually adopted by other browsers like <\/span>Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox <\/span><\/i>and <\/span>Opera<\/span><\/i>. On activation, framing from only particular websites was allowed which prevented clickjacking attacks. In 2013, the <\/span>X-Frame-Options <\/span><\/i>header was officially released however not as per the Internet standards, offering only valuable information.<\/span><\/p>\n\n- Content Security Policy<\/span><\/i><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Content Security Policy <\/span><\/i>version 1.1 enables users to allow or disallow content embedding through <\/span>frame-ancestors <\/span><\/i>which protects potentially hostile pages from attacking. The <\/span>