<\/span><\/h3>\nMost developers separate huge and complex web applications into various little modules to streamline and accelerate the development procedure. Laravel is planned to work in seclusion highlights. It empowers developers to separate a task into little modules through the package. They can additionally reuse the modules over different activities. However, CodeIgniter isn\u2019t outlined with worked-in-measured quality highlights. It requires CodeIgniter developers to make and keep up modules by utilizing Modular Extension moreover.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/span>Eloquent ORM<\/b><\/span><\/h3>\nNot at all like CodeIgniter, Laravel empowers developers to exploit Eloquent ORM. They can utilize the protest social mapper (ORM) framework to work with an assortment of databases all the more effectively by Active Record execution. Persuasive ORM additionally enables clients to collaborate with databases specifically through the particular model of individual database tables. They can even utilize the model to achieve normal undertakings like embedding new records and running database inquiries.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/span>Database Scheme Development<\/b><\/span><\/h3>\nNotwithstanding supporting numerous prominent databases, CodeIgniter does not give particular highlights to streamline database pattern relocation. Yet, the database skeptic relocations highlighted by Laravel make it less demanding for application developers to alter and share the database mapping of the application without composing complex code. The developer can additionally create a database outline of the application effortlessly by joining the database skeptic movement with the mapping manufacturer given by Laravel.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/span>Support of Database<\/b><\/span><\/h3>\nBoth PHP systems bolster a variety of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Bi, and MongoDB. In any case, CodeIgniter, not at all like Laravel, furthermore bolsters various databases including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, orientdb, and JDBC. Henceforth, CodeIgniter bolsters a higher number of databases than Laravel.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/span>Control Over Methods<\/b><\/span><\/h3>\nThe RESTful Controllers given by Laravel empowers Laravel developers to manufacture an assortment of REST APIs without putting additional time and exertion. They can just set the $restful property as valid in the RESTful Controller to manufacture custom REST APIs without composing extra code. Be that as it may, CodeIgniter does not give particular highlights to streamline the development of REST APIs. The clients need to compose extra code to make custom REST APIs while creating web applications with CodeIgniter.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/span>Unit Testing Support<\/b><\/span><\/h3>\nLaravel scores over other PHP structures in the classification of unit testing. It empowers developers to check the application code altogether and persistently with PHP Unit. Notwithstanding being a broadly utilized unit testing apparatus, PHP Unit accompanies an assortment of out-of-box augmentations. In any case, CodeIgniter does not accompany any inherent unit testing apparatuses. Subsequently, software developers need to utilize extra unit testing devices to survey the nature of the application code amid the development procedure.<\/span><\/p>\n